Rangoli is a traditional form that brightens up an occasion and is believed to be harbinger of good luck. Beautiful patterns are created on the floor using coloured rice, flowers, coloured sand or paints. In order to develop skills of aesthetics, creativity and innovation among the students, an ‘Intra House Rangoli Competition’ was conducted in our school on 13 January 2022. The criterion for judgement was the selection of the design, neatness, clarity, colour combination and creativity or new ideas implemented by the students to make their design more presentable.
The competition was held for the students of classes III to X. The students had pre-planned their patterns and had come prepared with all the materials, they required for making them. The competition was held in two categories. In category I (III and IV) the students individually drew Rangoli patterns on the given sheet of paper. In Category II (V to X) the students of all the four houses (class wise) crafted beautiful and creative Rangoli patterns on the floor using colours. The students put their best foot forward and took part in the competition with zest. Innovation and creation are the words that best describe their efforts.
The Rangoli Competition motivated the students to perform and outshine in their creative skills and most importantly, their teamwork brought laurels to their house.